On a national level, it is a day to remember the events of September 11, 2001. Our thoughts and prayers go out to those who lost loved ones on 9/11.
Seven years ago, much like today, I turned on the radio on my way to work. I heard disjointed reports of an airplane, a building, and fire. My first thought was that it was some kind of fictional story being played out on the radio. I changed the station, and heard the same thing - and the pieces started to come together. They were reporting that an airplane had crashed into a building. I listened in stunned silence as the reporters speculated on what could have caused the crash. Instrument malfunction, pilot passed out, could it be possible that this had been a deliberate act?
I worked in downtown Dallas at the time, and when I arrived at the office I remember looking up at the building and thinking about the people who were stuck in the WTC. When I got to work, most of us pulled up the news on the internet. When they reported that a second plane had crashed into the adjacent building, confusion and sadness turned to alarm. One crash might be an accident, but two? It seemed impossible, but our nation was under attack. From that point, things happened fast. I called my husband to see if he was watching the news. He wasn't, but he turned it on. Next came news that two other planes had lost communications, then one of the "missing" planes crashed into the Pentagon. They speculated that the 4th plane might be headed for Chicago or some other city, and at that point I started packing up. I wasn't going to wait around to see if Dallas was going to be a target, especially sitting about 1/3 of the way up a rather tall building in the downtown area. I wasn't the only one, several of us were headed out when word came that they were closing down the building.
I drove home as fast as possible, wanting nothing more than to get home to my family. Cuddlebug and Bearhug were only 3 months old. I spent the rest of the day holding them and watching in horror with my husband as the events unfolded on the news. I thought of how the America my sons would grow up in would be different from the one I had grown up in, if only because events like these would not only be possible, but actual, and just that morning such events had been unfathomable.
Today as I watched a memorial on tv, I looked at my twins, now 7 yrs old, and my 3 yr old baby running around the house. They were oblivious to the tv or the tears in my eyes. I thought about how someday, dh and I will need to talk to them about what happened that day, so they will understand the significance of it. Someday, but not today...
Here is a portrait taken when Cuddlebug and Bearhug were 4 months old, one month after 9/11. We didn't intend to have their picture done that day, we were just walking around the mall to get out of the house. A young photographer approached us and asked if she could do a photo session with the boys, she was new and needed to build up her experience. We agreed, and I'm so glad because I absolutely love this picture:
Thank you, Sweetheart
What a beautiful post.
My Grandpa had passed away on Sept 9, 2001 and his viewing was on Sept 11, 2001. I got up that morning, didn't even turn on the tv because I was rushing around. I got my 5 year old(at the time) off to kindergarten and then came home and got my 21 month old dressed to go stay with my MIL and getting myself dress to go spend the day at a furneral home. My heart was already breaking that morning I was 5 months PG at the time and just lost my grandfather and was thinking not only how much I was going to miss him but that he would never get to meet the little girl growing inside of me. and then my MIL called and told me to turn on the TV.. I did I saw that and I just dropped to the floor and cried.. and got so scared thinking what sort of world was I going to be raising my children in, I just knew that it would be so different from when I grew up.. I pulled myself together and went and got my DD from school I just needed her with me. There is so much more I could write about this day, like how I had the flighter jets buzz over my car on there way towards PA while I was on my way to Cleveland to the furneral home.. and so much more.. but I think this comment is long enough.. Sorry for that.
beautiful post..
Beautiful post! And I love the pic of your boys! And great new header! It is new, isn't it?
Wonderful post, and adorable photo.
what a beautiful and touching post!!! Your boys are adorable in that picture, I bet you as well as them will cherish that picture for years to come!
I love this post; it is very touching. I agree that we shouldn't ever forget the events of that day and the effect they had on our lives.
I absolutely love the picture! I haven't seen one like it before.
Love the picture. What a blessing the photagrapher was to your family!
My dad and brothers bday are on 9/11..I loved reading your memories of this day. I also love the photo of your babies! Super cute!!
Lovely story and a fabulous photo!! I love it!
Thanks so much for visiting!
Thanks for this post. Hard to remember such a senseless thing, but you're right - we can never forget.
In shock watching live as the towers fell, I sat nauseous and unbelieving while my husband attempted to reach our friend who worked in a library adjacent to the towers.
Thankfully she was okay, but I was shaken to the core.
How I suddenly realized that this must have been the same horror my grandfather felt during Pearl Harbor. The same protective anger that propelled him to become a Marine. The same drive that made him a hero at Iwo Jima, Guadalcanal, Guam. And to think this was only a generation ago.
You're right - our kids will grow up in a different America. But hopefully one that is even more grateful for our everyday heroes.
Thank you again for the post (and for the wonderful picture of your boys!)
Look at those sweets! That's an award-winning photograph!
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