Monday, September 1, 2008

Creativity Tips from Cuddlebug & Bearhug

A few days ago in the car, Bearhug and Cuddlebug asked me, "Mama, do you want some tips on how to be creative?" Obviously, they have figured out that creativity is not my strength. Oh, I try to be reasonably creative on my blog (I guess you can be the judge of how I'm doing there) and I've been told that I'm creative with spreadsheets (yes, spreadsheets, lol, exciting stuff!). But they know Dada is the creative parent in this household (clearly they don't appreciate spreadsheets, hehe). So they offered me some tips, and I thought I'd share, for the benefit of any other creativity-impaired moms out there:

CB: You have to use your creative mind [they're assuming I have one...]
BH: Yeah, there is a map of what you want to build or create, in your creative mind
CB: That's how I build tracks!
me: So, I need to use my 'creative mind'?
CB: yeah! I have lots of minds.
me: how many do you have?
CB / BH: [talking over each other which they do a lot]
me: [trying to make sense of CB & BH talking over each other] One at a time!
CB: I have my original brain, reading brain, creative brain, math brain, thinking brain, looking brain, exercise brain...
me: 'Looking brain'?
CB: yeah, that's what I use to look at things
me: Oh, makes sense.
CB: I don't have a sports brain yet but I'm going to do sports in my life.
me: Cool!
BH: My brain is 50% creative, 20% normal, 39% schoolwork... how many percents do I have left?
me: Well, that was over a hundred percent, so none.
BH: Ok. The schoolwork part of my brain has lots of parts - math, reading, social studies, science, PE, art...

I love the way they think and how they describe things!

About Me

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I'm a mom of three boys on the autism spectrum, 11-yr-old identical twins and a 7-yr-old. My husband is a SAHD.


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