So we were pretty excited to hear that they'd been able to keep the swings going on their own, at least partially. That's a big step and an indication of their developing coordination skills :).
LOL, I just noticed that Bitty is wearing the same shirt in this picture (taken April 2008) as Cuddlebug was wearing in the picture above. That's the great thing about having twin big brothers, lots of cool clothes!
I love to see my younger child in the older child's shirt. (Mine are 21 months apart.) Now I pass clothes down to a neighbor so I get to see them three times.
That's great about the swinging! (We're still working on pumping over here!)
Your boys are just precious! Are your twins identical? Mine were born in different sacs but they look just alike! So we don't know. By the way, thanks so much for stopping by my blog! It sounds like you love blog carnivals just as much as I do, so I just wanted to let you know that I’m starting one of my own on Monday, August 18th, – with prize attached! Thought you might want to check it out. Hope to see you again soon!
@Elizabeth - me too! Especially when Little Bitty was a baby, I loved dressing him in the cute little outfits that his brothers had outgrown so quickly! Except that it was weird having coordinating outfits and no one to "coordinate" him with lol. Sometimes it's fun to dress all three in coordinating outfits, when they'll go for it :)
@Mom2my9 - yes, they are identical. They had separate inner sacs but one outer sac and shared a placenta. They had TTTS so BH has always been a little bit bigger and to me they're easy to tell apart (of course) but people who don't know them well sometimes have trouble. I'll be by to check out your blog carnival, thanks for letting me know!
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