Friday, August 29, 2008

Around the Blogosphere

Just wanted to share a few posts that I've read lately that I found funny, thoughtful, or both (along with a memorable quote from each post):

These are the Hands at Three Channels
"... These are the hands that wrote a note to the rather proper single interior decorator friend of his mother thanking her for the opportunity to “learn more about roaches” in her home. The mother of these hands did not bother to proofread the thank-you note before it was sent..."

Amazing Race at Autism in a Word
"... I was talking to my friend Carrie who has a beautiful little girl with PDD about competition and comparisons one day and she said, “You know, I think I grew up in the overachieving town that invented the “My Kid Is An Honor Student” bumper stickers. It would have been easy for me to get caught up in all that, but thankfully, God took that away from me...”

The Right to not be Scared at NTs are Weird
"...Listen closely the next time someone wants to keep someone from participating in society - how long does it take before “safety” is brought up, and is safety brought up in a logical, objective way or is it brought up in the context of feelings, stereotypes, and “personal experience” that can’t be argued against without bringing the discussion to a personal (rather than logical) level?..."

A Rainbow-Shaped Patch of Dry Grass at Life's Sweet Passions
"...It is usually my son who exclaims that he sees something way cool, and it is usually him who wants to stay and look, while I would rather continue walking because, to me, there will always be another flower... ...I’m glad I have these little reminders that make me stop and take a look at what’s going on around me. And maybe that’s another reason to add to my list of things I’m grateful to my son for: Helping me learn the things I forgot."

Graduation Speech at Storkdok-NOS
"...I'm doing this so that each and every one of you, student or teacher, thinks before the next time you use the word 'retard,' before the next time you shrug off someone else's use of the word 'retard.' Think of the people you hurt, both the mentally handicapped and those who love them. If you have to, think think of my sister. Think about how she can find more happiness in the blowing of a bubble and watching it float away than most of will in our entire lives. Think about how she will always love everyone unconditionally. Think about how she will never hate. Then think about which one of you is 'retarded'..."


Anonymous said...

How awesome to be doubly (actually, triplely) blessed with your miracles. Looking at their baby pictures (so tiny!) and then watching their "President's" video, it is remarkable all of the challenges all of you have overcome. Truly an inspiration!

Elizabeth Channel on September 2, 2008 at 12:47 PM said...

This is such a cool idea!

And now I've been introduced to some extremely neat bloggers I didn't know about. Thank you for doing this, and for including me!


About Me

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I'm a mom of three boys on the autism spectrum, 11-yr-old identical twins and a 7-yr-old. My husband is a SAHD.


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