Wednesday, August 12, 2009

SEW & WW: Back to school

Well, I didn't manage to get pictures of the boys before leaving the house on the first day of school, but I took my camera and got some pictures while we waited in the carpool line and just after the boys got out of the car.

As you can see, Bearhug didn't feel like going along with the wear-something-nice-on-the-first-day gameplan (which we encouraged but weren't going to force anyway). He was really nervous about his first day so we didn't make a big deal out of it.

Cuddlebug did, which kind of surprised me because usually he is pretty strict on only wearing shirts with collars at church.

The biggest surprise was Little Bitty. Based on his behavior last week (not to mention every other time he has returned to school after a break), we were prepared for some major resistance - of the kicking, screaming, grabbing onto the doorframe of the house and car variety. However, ever since his open house he has seemed excited about going to school, and sure enough on the first day he was really cooperative and happy to be going.

Blew. us. away!!

And not only that, we figured just for fun we'd see if he'd let us put on a non-Thomas shirt, and he actually did! Well, the distraction of the Oreo might have helped. ;)

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Night Owl Mama on August 12, 2009 at 2:56 AM said...

WOw back to school already
GOOD to hear Oreo's sved the day I need to put some in my pocket hwen I take my boy for his first day

overtiredmum on August 12, 2009 at 3:20 AM said...

wow - I thought I had a hectic life!

Love the first day back at school hair cuts.

I have to get my kids into school uniform, would much prefer to be able to let the children express themselves - even if it means letting them go in collarless shirts (he looked smart to me!).

MadeInCanarias on August 12, 2009 at 8:13 AM said...

You have so handsome boys!

Elder Nate Mountain on August 12, 2009 at 8:16 AM said...

They are so handsome!! I love Bitty's smile!

annies home on August 12, 2009 at 1:21 PM said...

they are handome young men I hope they enjoyed their first day of school

Wherever HE Leads We'll Go on August 12, 2009 at 5:19 PM said...

Never underestimate the power of Oreo's!

Glad the first day went well for you boys. : )

UPrinting on August 12, 2009 at 10:54 PM said...

Little Bitty looks so handsome and cute! Nice to hear that he's looking forward to going to school! Maybe you should have Oreos stocked so you're prepared just in case ;) Thanks!

SoCo mom on August 13, 2009 at 2:10 AM said...

We start back tomorrow. Yikes, what happened to school starting in September?

Your boys all look very nice. Bitty's face on the last one is awesome!

Unknown on August 13, 2009 at 12:29 PM said...

Yikes, back to school already? School does not start until September out here.

Anonymous said...

Gotta love those Oreos! Well worth it in my book!


Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander on August 17, 2009 at 1:24 PM said...

YAY!! I am so glad they had such excitement for their first day! Such a handsome bunch!

Anonymous said...

What handsome school boys! i love that last picture of Bitty!


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I'm a mom of three boys on the autism spectrum, 11-yr-old identical twins and a 7-yr-old. My husband is a SAHD.


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