Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Birthday weekend: part 1

Friday was absolutely crazy. My parents and grandma were flying in and expected to be here at 10am and 12:30, respectively, but my parents ended up arriving several hours later. My dad works for an airline so they can fly free but they fly standby. I picked them up at the airport but it’s over an hour’s drive from my house so we got home just in time to start getting ready. Dh’s parents and his grandma were driving in and ended up running late too but they met us at the church right on time.

The baptism was beautiful, and went really well. We made the program about as short as you could possibly make it – we knew the boys would not be able to handle a long, drawn-out program and we wanted it to be a good experience for them.

When it was over, dh and I both breathed a sigh of relief. Glad to be done with all the planning, but also glad that everything went fairly smoothly. As those of you who are autie parents know, we can never take for granted that anything will go as planned. Even a simple trip to the grocery store can turn into a catastrophe on a dime. Special events – by their very nature outside of the normal routine – are particularly susceptible to anxiety and sensory overload, so you just never know how things will go. We just plan and try to anticipate "trouble spots" as best we can, and then hope for the best.

Here is the video I made to share while the boys were getting back into their dry clothes after the baptism. If you've been reading my blog for a while you may recognize some of the pictures, but some are new too :).

And here are some pictures that I took. I knew the boys couldn't really handle doing a lot of posed pictures with family (much as I would have loved to take some!) so I mostly followed them around snapping pictures of whatever they were doing. Most of these were taken in the few minutes after we had everything set up and before the program started.

All three boys checking out the water in the baptismal font

Big brothers (looking so grown up!) trying to keep little brother from jumping into the water

Bearhug (blue tie) and Cuddlebug (maroon tie)
I asked them to smile, you can see what Cuddlebug thought of my request, lol.

Little Bitty

Taking a break (just a little overstimulation)

Bearhug's Primary teacher gave the (one, short) talk, and she did a little object lesson and had the boys come up to see. I think it's cute how they look so much alike from the back :)

Taken after the baptism.
Shoes were off, shirts untucked, they'd been running up and down the gym, but they looked handsome as ever. I asked them to get close together for a picture, and they gave each other a hug :)

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Elder Nate Mountain on June 13, 2009 at 12:36 PM said...

I love their baptism pics! They are so sweet. I'm glad everything went well. Such a special day~

Anonymous said...

LOVED the video! (I have got to get more skilled in my posting!)

And, uhm, do ya like UT? Just a bit?


Penelope on June 16, 2009 at 8:19 PM said...

Sweet pics! This must have been such a great time for Bearhug and Cuddlebug!

Online Printing on June 20, 2009 at 2:17 AM said...

They look awesome in their shirt and ties, all dressed up! So handsome.
Love the photos that you took of them too, especially the last one with Cuddlebug and Bearhug. Such priceless moments.


About Me

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I'm a mom of three boys on the autism spectrum, 11-yr-old identical twins and a 7-yr-old. My husband is a SAHD.


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