Saturday, July 19, 2008

Time to go home!

Little-Bitty said a new phrase yesterday! After an extensive meltdown in the car, he finally calmed down enough to say "go home," which he then combined with a phrase he already knows, "time to go!" and said "time to go home!" Luckily, we were already on our way home.

We were impressed, partly because he was able to combine two phrases to make a new one that he hasn't said before, but more importantly because once he calmed down he was able to tell us what he wanted and explain why he'd had the meltdown in the first place.

I still remember the first time CB gave us an explanation after one of his meltdowns, I'll have to write a separate post about that.

About Me

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I'm a mom of three boys on the autism spectrum, 11-yr-old identical twins and a 7-yr-old. My husband is a SAHD.


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