Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Overheard in our car tonight

The power went off in our neighborhood soon after I got home from work today, so we decided to go pick up something to eat - we couldn't cook and we knew being in the car would help LB go to sleep (he's been really cranky the last few days). Some of their conversations made me laugh, here's a couple of them. As you can see, BH's "inside voice" is more suited to a football stadium full of screaming fans.

Cuddlebug is on the case

CB: I'm trying to solve this case [the case of the power outage, that is, he's into detective stuff]. I saw a firetruck, maybe a fire got really high and burned the wires and that's why the lights are out.
dh: Did the firetruck have its lights on?
CB: No.
dh: Then they probably weren't going to a fire. Maybe they were just going to get gas.
CB: No, there was a fire... They need gas?
CB: Why do the wires need gas?
dh: The wires don't need gas, I meant the fire truck needs gas because it's a truck.
BH: Yeah [CB] there WASN'T A FIRE!!
CB: There was a fire. The fire got so high it burned the wires. I have to solve this case...
CB: I'm solving the case, [BH].

and on they went...


Still hungry

BH: Hey, mama, dada. I ate all my food.
us: Good job!
BH: I'm still hungry.
dh: See if [CB] has any leftovers
BH: [CB], do you have any leftovers?
CB: Yes, you can have my leftovers.
BH: [searching]... There's no food in here!
CB: I ate it all.
BH: What?!
CB: Oh, there's a fry. You can have that.


Amazing_Grace on July 31, 2008 at 6:53 AM said...

LOL! :)

Trish on July 31, 2008 at 4:48 PM said...

Love this! With just one child, I don't get to hear these types of conversations unless he has a friend over to play.

Anonymous said...

Never a dull moment in your house with 3 boys!!!! Funny!

Jaime on August 6, 2008 at 12:00 PM said...

Sounds like some of the things I hear in my house with 2 girls!!

Your boys are adorable! I'm walking for Autism in November in San Diego and Anaheim!


About Me

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I'm a mom of three boys on the autism spectrum, 11-yr-old identical twins and a 7-yr-old. My husband is a SAHD.


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