Still Day 1 (at night!)
Usually snow melts within a day around here so we headed back out in the evening for some more playtime. Figured we should enjoy it while it lasted (ha!).
I was a little surprised that Bitty wanted to go out again after the wet sock incident, but he did. Bearhug decided he'd had enough after just a few minutes so I didn't get any pictures of him that night.
The snow was *really* powdery and not sticking together well so this was about the best we could do for a snowman. As soon as I took a picture it was demolished by the boys.
Yes, he's wearing a jacket under his coat. He insisted on wearing his Thomas windbreaker but given it was something like 15 degrees out, I insisted that he wear his thicker red coat. He refused to take the other one off but he did let me put the red one on top of it :). Compromise!
Day 2 (early evening)
Roads still icy but by the end of the day some of it was slush so we ventured out. We already had cabin fever after being snowbound for two days.
The main roads were a *little* better.
Now that's how you do it right there. We don't have a tractor, but if it's going to keep snowing like this we're going to have to invest in a sled.
Day 3
Prior night's slush refroze, roads once again a sheet of ice. News reported ice on all the roads (even freeways) so we didn't venture out at all that day. Thank goodness for laptops and the internet.
Day 4
What little had melted the previous day (not much) refroze yet AGAIN. The roads suck again. But by 10am I got word from a couple of co-workers that they made it in ok and that the major roads were more or less passable. Did I mention I'd been working from home all week? With three cooped up kids and one cooped up hubby and one lazy cooped up cat? I was about to pull my hair out and decided to take my chances on the road.
Made it to the office, but it took an hour and a half. Had to leave early to beat (some of) the traffic and get home before it got dark and it all froze AGAIN. Almost wasn't worth taking the time to drive back and forth but it was really nice to get OUT.
Had promised dh and the boys we'd all go somewhere when I got home so they could get out too (I had taken dh's car since it has better tires for the icky roads).
Got a migraine that night. Blech.
Day 5
Migraine persisted, had to take a sick day and spent the day in the bed. :(
It finally got above freezing and the ice on the roads started to really melt (mostly anyway).
Dh took Cuddlebug and Bearhug for their checkup. They are now 4'9" and each weigh about 75 lbs. Oh. mah. goodness! I remember when I could hold them both in one arm, and now they are only 5 inches shorter than me. Yeesh.
Day 6
You mean that stuff STILL hasn't melted yet?!
Orion ventured out and left a few paw prints. He wasn't impressed with the snow, and quickly went back inside (yes, you will find his picture next to "wimpy" as well as "lazy" in the dictionary).
That evening I made a discovery. The formerly powdery snow, although it had been iced over for days, still had some wet snow underneath the icy layer. Heck yeah! Let's try another snowman. Who's with me?
Sigh. So I attempted a snowman by myself. One of the boys' friends in the neighborhood came by to see if they could play, but they didn't want to come outside (too cold) so he offered to help me with the snowman.
Mr. Snowman is dancing (see the arms, think Saturday Night Fever, hehe). And... oh no! He's also wearing his sombrero in a goofy fashion. Watch out for sea bears!!
Day... what day is this again?!
Oh yeah, Day 7.
Only one hour of church due to half the parking lot being still covered in snow and ice (and not enough room to have more than one congregation there at the same time as we normally do). Apparently this side of the building doesn't get much sun.
Dh asked me for the 19382037th time why the boys would not be going to school the next day (it was a scheduled day off for MLK, Jr. Day and not one of the designated "make-up" days although we have already gone over our allotted number of make-up days so we're probably looking at extending the school year now). Maybe he hoped that if he kept asking the answer might change to "of course they have school tomorrow!" haha
After an entire week off, I can't blame him, but seriously I was about to make a sign and hold it up whenever he asked.
Everyone is back to school now. Cuddlebug and Bearhug are glad, they were ready to go back to school after about 2-3 days out. Unfortunately, we're now going through the same lovely "transition" phase with Bitty where he goes into meltdown mode every morning. Nice. It usually gets a smidgen better every day though, so I'm hopeful.
And I'm ready for spring now.
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