Saturday, February 28, 2009

Mission accomplished!

Yesterday I took the day off since we had Bearhug's IEP meeting (more on that in another post) and I figured it would be a good opportunity to get some other errands done with dh afterwards. Like birthday shopping for a certain little boy who will be turning 4 next month :).

At the toy store, we looked to see if they had Peter Sam. Having checked a few other stores earlier in the week, we had learned that he wasn't an easy engine to find.

We checked through all the metal trains and turned up empty yet again. Almost all of our trains are the metal ones because they're cheaper, and they're pretty durable too. We have a few of the wooden trains that came with DVD's over the years, but that's about it.

I went ahead and checked the section of wooden trains to see if maybe Peter Sam was available there. No luck. I flipped through the trains hanging on each peg, in case he was hidden behind some other trains. Nope.

Dh picked out a couple of other metal trains to get Bitty for his birthday. I called my mom since I know she's been birthday shopping too, to make sure we weren't buying the same ones.

I kept scanning the trains as I chatted with my mom, and then I saw it.

Near the bottom, the third in line behind two other trains, the name "Peter Sam" jumped out from one of the packages.

It was the only one there, perhaps the only one in the local metro area. I worked it out from behind the other trains and looked. A little bubble announcing, "Available for a limited time only" was on the front. Maybe that's why we'd had such a hard time finding him?

Being a wooden train, he was more expensive than what we usually pay for trains, and I knew we could order the metal one online, but by the time we paid for shipping or bought enough other things to get free shipping, we'd end up paying the same or more. Not to mention, who knows when it would actually arrive, and in the meantime we'd still have a Peter-Sam-obsessed little boy at home going nuts over finding Peter Sam.

We bought Peter Sam, along with some birthday presents. We hid the presents in the back of the car and put Peter Sam in the front, ready to give to Bitty when we picked him up from school. After all, he'd woken up that morning repeating yet again, "fweep, skoo, Peeh-San" and this time we'd finally be able to cross #3 off of that list :).

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Anonymous said...

Woo-Hoo! That's one happy Little Bitty. Whew!!

Sara on March 1, 2009 at 5:26 PM said...

Awe! He's so happy!

Patty O. on March 2, 2009 at 4:41 PM said...



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I'm a mom of three boys on the autism spectrum, 11-yr-old identical twins and a 7-yr-old. My husband is a SAHD.


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