Wednesday, June 25, 2008

What do they want to be when they grow up?

My sons have given me some interesting answers to this question over the years - at one point Bearhug gave me a rundown of all the jobs he was going to have. On Mondays, he'd be a 1st grade teacher, on Tuesdays, he'd be "cooker man" (aka chef), on Wednesdays, a 5th grade teacher, Thursdays he'd be a train driver and Fridays, an ice cream man. He and Cuddlebug were going to own an ice cream store together, and CB would hold down the fort during the rest of the week while BH was at his other jobs. Sounds like a busy week!

Today, CB was showing me his schoolwork (dh does homeschool with the boys over the summer) and one of the things they worked on today was graphing. I made a comment that I do graphs at work, so it's a good thing to learn and something he may use as he gets older.

He informed me that he isn't going to have a regular job when he gets older, which kind of surprised me because we taught him and his brother a long time ago about money and that people go to work so they can make money to pay for food, a place to live, clothes, toys, etc. so they understand how that works on a basic level.

I asked him how he planned to buy food and things he needs when he's an adult (wondering how long he's planning to live at home, lol) and he told me his wife will do that. As soon as he said that I knew exactly what he meant, and I was right, he said he's going to stay home and take care of his kids.

Next week it will probably be something different, but I thought it was really sweet, and pretty cool that he would want to follow in his dad's footsteps.


Trish on June 26, 2008 at 1:57 PM said...

That's great they are thinking ahead ;)

My little guy mainly talks about wanting to get married when he grows up, but then says that he doesn't want to leave me and live somewhere else.

jane on June 27, 2008 at 3:24 AM said...

That is so gorgeous, I bet your husband melted when he heard that. :)

Wren went through a stage where she was going to work in every job her father has ever had and then work with him. WonderHubby was a puddle on the floor...

Anonymous said...

How awesome- Kudos to Daddy what a great role model!

Kristen Andrews on June 27, 2008 at 10:21 AM said...

how coll and hubby is a great role model.

Cherokee Dad on August 4, 2008 at 2:13 PM said...

It's so nice to have all kinds of choices. Both you and Hubby are excellent examples to the boys to want to have a home like yours when they grow up.


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I'm a mom of three boys on the autism spectrum, 11-yr-old identical twins and a 7-yr-old. My husband is a SAHD.


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Why does everyone keep saying I’m cool? I’m not cold, I’m just regular. I just want to be regular.

Bearhug, age 6

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