Seven years ago today, after 22 days in the NICU, we were finally able to take our baby boys home! In a way, it was a little nervewracking. I'd gotten used to having those beeping monitors to let me know everything was ok with them, so I worried about how I'd know they were ok once we got home. We'd gotten used to having the nurses around too, help nearby if we had questions. Now we were on our own.More than that though, we were soo excited to finally bring our babies home. No longer would we have to visit them every day, no longer would their cribs at home be empty. They would be home with us where they belonged. Here they are on the day we brought them home from the NICU.
At that point, Cuddlebug was about 5 lbs, Bearhug about 6 lbs. They were still small and needed to eat about every 1 to 1 1/2 hrs so between feeding, burping, diaper-changing, and oh, maybe trying to fit in a little sleep here and there - they kept us pretty busy.