Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Vision and autism

While I was researching Cuddlebug's vision issues this weekend, I came across several interesting articles on vision and autism. Apparently vision issues are common in people on the spectrum. Makes sense, as visual development is linked to motor development and both rely on good sensory integration.

Here are excerpts from a couple of the articles I found (with links so you can read the whole thing), which may be of interest to others.

"Vision problems are common with autism and many times are overlooked. Normal autistic behaviors, such as: poor eye contact, looking though or beyond objects, extreme aversion to light, unusual reaction to sight, lack of reciprocal play, inordinate fear of heights or lack of appropriate fear of heights and stemming, could be visual symptoms." (full article here)

"In order to function effectively, vision skills must automatically develop along with the baby’s motor and cognitive development. Up to 90% of individuals with autism lack the vision skills which determine how our eyes function. These skills have not developed automatically." (full article here)

More to come, I need to head out now.

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I'm a mom of three boys on the autism spectrum, 11-yr-old identical twins and a 7-yr-old. My husband is a SAHD.


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