Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My babies

Little Bitty came up to me the other day, gave me a big hug and asked, "aw you my baby?" He's so sweet :). That's what I say to him a lot. He's getting so big and yet he still likes to snuggle (yay!) and he likes to be babied. So I'll give him a big hug and kiss and ask him, "are you my baby?" It makes him smile.

I guess it's possible he's just saying it because he heard me say it, but since there's usually a hug that goes with it, I think it's his way of asking for some cuddle time :).


On the topic of "babies," I went upstairs tonight to check on Cuddlebug and Bearhug, and had the luxury of sticking around for a while uninterrupted since Bitty was already asleep (after a long fit, he had finally worn himself out).

As I snuggled up with Cuddlebug, he said, "I love it when you're around." (he's such a sweetie!) I told him I love it when he's around, then I said, "you know you're still my baby, even though you're a big boy, right?"

He nodded with a big grin :). I'm glad he's not old enough to roll his eyes at me for saying stuff like that (at least not yet).

Bearhug was in our bedroom (he says he likes to keep the bed warm for us, lol, but I think he just likes sleeping in our bed). He was already asleep, but I cuddled with him for a few minutes too, just listening to his soft, steady breathing as he slept...


I just can't even describe how much I love these guys. They are my world!

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Julie on May 6, 2009 at 10:43 AM said...

Awww! What sweet boys. I love snuggling with my boy, too. And checking on him one last time. I'm so happy I'm him mom. =)

hellokittiemama on May 7, 2009 at 7:40 AM said...


Your boys sound like such loves.

I always shake my head when people talk about the trait of how kids with Autism aren't affectionate. Clearly, they haven't met my son or your boys!

danette on May 7, 2009 at 8:24 AM said...

@Julie - that's exactly how I feel :)

@hellokittiemama - I agree!


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I'm a mom of three boys on the autism spectrum, 11-yr-old identical twins and a 7-yr-old. My husband is a SAHD.


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