Saturday, May 9, 2009

Maybe it's the "moom"

It's a full moon (or "moom" as Bitty says it), and all three boys have been cranky these last couple of days. Cuddlebug and Bearhug have been fighting more than usual. It could also be because they know the end of school is coming, and impending transitions tend to stress them out.

To top it off, Bitty has taken a step backward with his pottying. He was doing so good with going pee in the potty at least, and now he doesn't want to even do that. He's had so many accidents these last few days because he holds it forever, insisting that he doesn't have to go when we ask (today he went so far as to spell out his answer when I asked if he needed to go potty, "N-O-NO!"

We finally stopped asking and just started picking him up and putting him on the potty. That has spared the carpets but results in a quite ornery Bitty (I suppose I'll take the ornery Bitty over the mess on the carpet).

On that topic, he still has no interest in doing his #2 business on the potty. We try to convince him to at least try sitting on the potty when asks for a pull-up but he refuses. His well-thought-out arguments against pooping in the potty go something like this:

"No poop-a-da paw-ee" (no poop in the potty)


"Yes poo-wup" (yes pull-up)

Who can argue with that logic?

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Julie on May 15, 2009 at 8:13 AM said...

So frustrating. I hear ya as we've gone through the same thing. Actually, I don't think we're quite over it, yet! I can almost never believe Daniel when he says he doesn't have to go. I make him go anyway...and he always has to. I think he just never wants to stop doing whatever he's doing. Sometimes it helps not to ask if he has to go, but to tell him or remind him that the movie will wait, the book will wait, put the marker down- it will wait for you. Sigh. You're not alone. =)

Print Business Cards on June 6, 2009 at 2:05 AM said...

Potty training has got to be one of the most frustrating things you go through as a parent! But then it's really a nice feeling when your child finally lets go of the diapers and uses the potty instead :) Wish you luck!


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I'm a mom of three boys on the autism spectrum, 11-yr-old identical twins and a 7-yr-old. My husband is a SAHD.


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