Sunday, September 11, 2011

We remember

Ten years ago...

I was almost to work when I heard about the first crash on the radio in my car. I called dh to tell him to turn on the news (he was at home with our then 3-mo-old boys). At the office, we were getting updates on the internet, and I will forever be haunted by the images of people who were trapped in the upper floors jumping. After the second plane hit the WTC (and other planes were still missing at that point) they closed our building. I think most of downtown Dallas shut down, it seemed eerily quiet. I couldn't wait to get home to my family. I spent the day holding my boys and watching the news, numb with shock.

The other day we were watching footage from 9/11 on TV. We have explained to Cuddlebug and Bearhug what happened that day (as best we can, who can truly explain such horror?). Bearhug said quietly, "I wish the terrorists didn't do that."

I was already in tears but his simple statement really choked me up.

Me too, angel. :'(

I will never, ever forget.

May God bless those who lost their lives that day and their families. May God bless the military, firefighters, and police, and their families, who sacrifice every day to keep us safe. May God bless America.

About Me

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I'm a mom of three boys on the autism spectrum, 11-yr-old identical twins and a 7-yr-old. My husband is a SAHD.


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