Sunday, June 12, 2011

Happy 10th birthday Cuddlebug and Bearhug!!

Last weekend we celebrated the big 1-0. Can you believe it?!

I am so grateful that Heavenly Father sent these two precious boys to us. They have brought to our family such light, energy, and joy. We are truly blessed!

I still can't believe they are TEN. One decade old ("a decade is a big deal" Cuddlebug told me, lol) :). I love the way they embrace life, the kindness they show others, their charming humor, the happiness they find in simple things. I love that there is still such innocence in how they see the world.

I love the relationship they have with each other, how they call each other "bro" (that's new, lol) and have plans to live together when they are adults (right next door to us, which I think would be awesome) :).

I thought it would be fun to post some pictures from each of their birthdays so far (at least it was fun for me to go back and look at all the pictures!):

2002 - 1st birthday

(Cuddlebug in red, Bearhug in blue)

2003 - 2nd birthday

(Bearhug in yellow, Cuddlebug in blue)

2004 - 3rd birthday

(Bearhug in grey, Cuddlebug in burnt orange)

2005 - 4th birthday

(Bearhug at left, Cuddlebug right)

2006 - 5th birthday

(Bearhug in red, Cuddlebug in blue)
This is the first year we had a party with other kids, it was at Chuck E. Cheese

2007 - 6th birthday

(Cuddlebug in blue, Bearhug in grey)

We took the boys to play Putt-putt that year :)

2008 - 7th birthday

(Cuddlebug with hat, Bearhug with no hat)
They were rolling Thomas trains down the track they got for their birthday :)

This was the smile he gave me when I asked if he was having a good birthday :)

2009 - 8th birthday

(Bearhug in the blue tie, Cuddlebug the maroon tie)
This was the year they were baptized (on their birthday)

2010 - 9th birthday

(Cuddlebug in blue, Bearhug in green)

...which brings us to 2011. Here are pictures from this year's birthday celebration :). We told the boys they could choose a party or a special dinner out as a family, wherever they wanted to go, and they chose dinner so after we opened presents we took them out to eat. Later that evening, we had cake (ice cream cake, yummy!).

Opening presents - they were really excited to get new Pokemon stuff :).

(Bearhug in green, Cuddlebug in blue)

I didn't even realize until I was uploading these that they started out this year wearing the same shirts they were wearing last year on their birthday. What are the odds??

(Bearhug in black, Cuddlebug in white)

They quickly changed into the new shirts they got as presents though - sporting two of the latest Pokemon, Reshiram and Zekrom.

What do you do when you have new Pokemon toys and shirts? A Pokemon battle, of course!

Time for cake!

Setting up Pokemon toys around the cake

Happy birthday Bearhug and Cuddlebug!!


About Me

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I'm a mom of three boys on the autism spectrum, 11-yr-old identical twins and a 7-yr-old. My husband is a SAHD.


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