Monday, June 14, 2010

The graduate

A few weeks ago, as the school year was winding to a close, I kept feeling like something was missing.

It wasn't until a friend of mine mentioned her daughter's pre-k graduation that I realized what it was.

Next year, Bitty will go on to Kindergarten with his 5-yr-old peers (with resource support, but he will be in a class with his same-age NT peers for the first time). However, since he was not in an actual pre-k class this year (he was in a class that combined 3-yr-old NT children and 3-4 yr old children with special needs), he didn't have a pre-k graduation.

You would think a small detail like that would be no big deal, but for reasons unknown I was really bummed about it. Then at the end of the year he brought home in his backpack what looked like a little "diploma," rolled up and tied. I got all excited thinking they must have gone ahead and given the 4-yr-olds in the class who were moving on to Kindergarten a "graduation" certificate.

Then I unrolled it and saw it was general certificate for doing a great job in school this year.

And I started crying.

I am such an idiot.

At least no one saw me. The boys were all in bed and dh was out in the garage.

I really don't know why it bothered me so much. Bitty wasn't at all disappointed, he wasn't expecting a pre-k graduation and would have probably been indifferent even if he'd had one. He did have a nice end-of-year party, and it was a cute certificate.

Maybe because I hadn't really thought about it and it caught me by surprise. Hopefully it's not just because I'm crazy ;).

It didn't last long... I carefully placed his certificate in the office with his artwork and other school papers. I am really proud of him, and "graduation" or no, he's going to have a great time in Kindergarten next year!

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I'm a mom of three boys on the autism spectrum, 11-yr-old identical twins and a 7-yr-old. My husband is a SAHD.


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