Sunday, July 15, 2012

May, in pictures

Catching up, wanted to share some of what we did in May (separate post coming soon for June).

Little Bitty's class participated in Special Olympics soccer. I was able to take time off from work to go cheer him on with dh :).

I'm glad my big guys aren't too big for this yet :). They've been doing this for years... their typical way to pass the time while we are at the checkout :).

Bitty lost his first tooth. He kept trying to put it back in until I finally put it in an envelope, out of sight, to go under his pillow. He seemed a little weirded out that a mysterious fairy would be willing to give him money in exchange for his tooth. What does she do with all those teeth? Still, he tried to stay awake so he could see her and whenever I told him to go to sleep he answered, "I AM sleeping!" lol

Cuddlebug's science fair project, in which he and Bearhug were the test subjects. He measured their heart rate after various intervals of playing different types of video games, to see (1) whether video games raise your heart rate, and (2) whether different types of games have a different impact on heart rate. Or more specifically, does playing a zombie-attack game raise your heart more than, say, playing an adventure or puzzle game? Hint, the answers were (1) yes and (2) yes and he had the charts to prove it :).

These two have been at each other's throats more and more lately, so when there was a peaceful moment of video game mentoring going on, I had to snap a picture. You know, in case it didn't happen again for a while...

Never too big for a kiddie pool (also, nothing encourages brothers to put their differences aside than a little water fun!)

From the garden


About Me

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I'm a mom of three boys on the autism spectrum, 11-yr-old identical twins and a 7-yr-old. My husband is a SAHD.


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