Thursday, November 12, 2009

Halloween 2009

Thanks again for your thoughts and prayers on Bearhug's behalf. We've also gotten some good suggestions... we're going to get this figured out. So far this week has been pretty good (yay!).

On a lighter note, here are some pictures and a recap from Halloween :).

I couldn't figure out how I was going to make a Salamence (Pokemon) costume, so we tried taking the boys to the Halloween store to see if they could find a costume there. No luck. I asked Cuddlebug what his second choice would be, and he named another Pokemon. Third choice? Another Pokemon. None of which are readily available as costumes.

And to add to the fun, Bearhug decided with just over a week to go that he wanted to dress up after all, as Garchomp (yep, also a Pokemon). So I headed to the craft store. I had some pictures from the internet to use as a guide of what the characters were supposed to look like, and I used the boys' clothes as a guide for the size / shape (being careful to err on the side of "too big" rather than "too small").

Here are the finished costumes, with the characters' pictures:

And the boys wearing their costumes. They were so excited to dress up as Pokemon :).

Bearhug as Garchomp:

Cuddlebug as Salamence:

And you can't dress up as Pokemon without having a Pokemon-battle, of course :)

Little Bitty was not at all interested in costumes or trick-or-treating. We did, however, discover that he loves to eat "M's" (M&M's). :)

So I took Cuddlebug and Bearhug out trick-or-treating.

Bitty stayed home with dh to hand out candy. When we made it back to our house, we found him relaxing, curled up with a blankie (they were in the garage which dh had decorated for Halloween).

Bearhug and Cuddlebug went inside to check out their stash. They sorted all the candy by type and lined them up in rows.

Bitty was curious and came over to inspect the candy too. Here all three of them are busy counting. There were 153 pieces of candy in total :).

Cuddlebug did the math the next day to figure out how many days the candy would last if each of us ate one piece each day... but we haven't exactly done that ;).

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OneProudGrandma said...

You did a GREAT job! The boys look awesome!! 153 pieces of candy is quite a stash - and plenty of a personal favorite, Reese's. :)

Becki on November 12, 2009 at 1:06 PM said...

Wow! That's A LOT of candy! LOL!

Looks like they had a blast!

Business Cards on November 12, 2009 at 7:04 PM said...

Wow! You did a very good job. The costumes are really amazing. I bet they had a fantastic halloween. Thanks for sharing the photos.:)

Anonymous said...

YOU are amazing! Great costuming! I loved reading many Halloween posts this year. What a fun holiday! Barbara

Genoa on November 13, 2009 at 4:32 PM said...

You made truly great costumes for your kids! I guess it is impossible to find something similar in the shop)))

Autismland Penny on November 16, 2009 at 10:53 PM said...

You totally rock as a mom! When Logan wanted to be a Pokemon, I made him be Butterfree so I could buy a butterfly costume! He would love the ones that you did!

Floortime Lite Mama on November 17, 2009 at 8:59 AM said...

Oh my !
this is priceless
Fabulous job

Patty O. on November 19, 2009 at 12:29 PM said...

OK, seriously, can I pay you to make my son a Pokemon costume next year? Please? Danny is totally into Pokemon and would probably get a huge kick out of it.

This year, he wanted a Wall-E costume, which we made, and it turned out well. Unfortunately I don't sew well, so robot costumes made out of boxes, I can do, but Pokemon costumes? Not so much.

Anonymous said...

Wow! You did a fantastic job on those costumes!!! The boys must have been thrilled. I've been thinking of you. I hope you continue to have a good week. =)

danette on November 26, 2009 at 3:29 AM said...

Thanks everyone :). That is the first time I have tried a project that involved and I was happy that it turned out.

danette on November 26, 2009 at 3:31 AM said...

@Patty - if the boys have outgrown them next year (and at the rate they're going, they probably will), I'd be happy to send you one!


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I'm a mom of three boys on the autism spectrum, 11-yr-old identical twins and a 7-yr-old. My husband is a SAHD.


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